Monday, January 10, 2011

musang is back!!

yeah...wolcome..wolcome to myself..finally kembali gak ke blog la since da jg wanita berkerjaya ni (berkerjaya ke? erk!!) mase 24/7 tu mmg x cukup..kalo la blh topup mase cam topup credit phone..mmg aku topup..huhuhu..igt x dlm previous entry aku de mention nk g interview? hahha..finally i got that job even aku sndri x confident nk dtg keje la company besar kot..huhuhu..nway syukur sgt..start dgn contact skrg da permanent..suprisingly no probation period and da dpt bonus pon..even br 5 bln kat my bosses..tq so much..kekekke...

company tu mmg best..keje sng la ade mane pon company tu..die msti lack something gak..which is cuti..ala..cuti la..public holiday..huhuhu..since i'm working for japan..jgn harap la kau nk merase cuti2 malaysia..berangan je la kau nyah..hahahha..mmg la dpt replacement leave tp pe at least die bg gak cuti aku rase kalo die byr double/tripple gaji sbb keje on public holiday br la lagi la rase motivated nk g keje walopon ramai geng aku g joli...huhuhu..well manusia mmg x pernh bersyukur..sbb aku pon manusia..logik la kalo aku pon ter masuk dlm golongan yg xreti bersyukur tu..huhuuh..dan Japan cuti ari ni..maka aku pon dok mengarut kat dlm blog ni sbb aku pon dok sebok nk cuti cam japan tu..hihihi..

nway..tu kar citer lain..hihi..smalam jmpe mirul@bulat...last monday jmpe fikree@banjo..huhuh..sume da berubah...kadang aku nk sgt back to time skolah2 dulu..mse kat imposible kan?

***erk ckp psl banjo ni..aku nk kne g post office ni..nk g amek package yg banjo post ari tu..hehehhee..